Executable simulation model of the liver
from typing import Dict
from matplotlib.pyplot import Figure
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sbmlsim.experiment import SimulationExperiment
from sbmlsim.data import DataSet
from sbmlsim.timecourse import Timecourse, TimecourseSim, TimecourseScan
from sbmlsim.plotting_matplotlib import add_data, add_line, plt
from sbmlsim.pkpd import pkpd
class DoseResponseExperiment(SimulationExperiment):
"""Hormone dose-response curves."""
def datasets(self) -> Dict[str, DataSet]:
dsets = {}
# dose-response data for hormones
for hormone_key in ['Epinephrine', 'Glucagon', 'Insulin']:
df = self.load_data(f"DoseResponse_Tab{hormone_key}")
df = df[df.condition == "normal"] # only healthy controls
epi_normal_studies = [
"Degn2004", "Lerche2009", "Mitrakou1991",
"Levy1998", "Israelian2006", "Jones1998",
glu_normal_studies = [
"Butler1991", "Cobelli2010", "Fery1993"
"Gerich1993", "Henkel2005",
"Basu2009", "Mitrakou1992",
"Degn2004", "Lerche2009",
"Levy1998", "Israelian2006",
ins_normal_studies = [
'Ferrannini1988', 'Fery1993', 'Gerich1993', 'Basu2009',
'Lerche2009', 'Henkel2005', 'Butler1991', 'Knop2007',
'Cobelli2010', 'Mitrakou1992',
# filter studies
if hormone_key == "Epinephrine":
df = df[df.reference.isin(epi_normal_studies)]
elif hormone_key == "Glucagon":
df = df[df.reference.isin(glu_normal_studies)]
# correct glucagon data for insulin suppression
# (hyperinsulinemic clamps)
insulin_supression = 3.4
glu_clamp_studies = [
"Degn2004", "Lerche2009", "Levy1998", "Israelian2006",
glu_clamp_studies), 'mean'] = insulin_supression * df[
glu_clamp_studies), 'se'] = insulin_supression * df[
elif hormone_key == "Insulin":
df = df[df.reference.isin(ins_normal_studies)]
udict = {
'glc': df["glc_unit"].unique()[0],
'mean': df["unit"].unique()[0],
dsets[hormone_key.lower()] = DataSet.from_df(df, udict=udict,
return dsets
def scans(self) -> Dict[str, TimecourseScan]:
"""Scanning dose-response curves of hormones and gamma function.
Vary external glucose concentrations (boundary condition).
Q_ = self.ureg.Quantity
glc_scan = TimecourseScan(
Timecourse(start=0, end=1, steps=1, changes={})
scan={'[glc_ext]': Q_(np.linspace(2, 20, num=100), 'mM')},
return {
"glc_scan": glc_scan
def figures(self) -> Dict[str, Figure]:
xunit = "mM"
yunit_hormone = "pmol/l"
yunit_gamma = "dimensionless"
f, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10))
f.subplots_adjust(wspace=.3, hspace=.3)
axes = (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4)
# process scan results
tcscan = self.scans["glc_scan"]
glc_vec = tcscan.scan['[glc_ext]']
results = self.scan_results["glc_scan"] # type: Result
dose_response = {k: list() for k in ["glu", "epi", "ins", "gamma"]}
for k, glc_ext in enumerate(glc_vec):
s = results.frames[k]
# store results
for key in dose_response:
value = s[key].values[0] # initial value calculated
dose_response['[glc_ext]'] = glc_vec
df = pd.DataFrame(dose_response)
dset = DataSet.from_df(df, udict=self.udict, ureg=self.ureg)
# plot scan results
kwargs = {
'linewidth': 2,
'linestyle': '-',
'marker': 'None',
'color': 'black'
add_data(ax1, dset, xid="[glc_ext]", yid="glu",
xunit=xunit, yunit=yunit_hormone, **kwargs)
add_data(ax2, dset, xid="[glc_ext]", yid="epi",
xunit=xunit, yunit=yunit_hormone, **kwargs)
add_data(ax3, dset, xid="[glc_ext]", yid="ins",
xunit=xunit, yunit=yunit_hormone, **kwargs)
add_data(ax4, dset, xid="[glc_ext]", yid="gamma",
xunit=xunit, yunit=yunit_gamma, **kwargs)
# plot experimental data
kwargs = {
'color': "black",
'linestyle': "None",
'alpha': 0.6,
add_data(ax1, self.datasets["glucagon"], xid="glc", yid="mean",
xunit=xunit, yunit=yunit_hormone, label="Glucagon", **kwargs)
add_data(ax2, self.datasets["epinephrine"], xid="glc", yid="mean",
xunit=xunit, yunit=yunit_hormone, label="Epinephrine",
add_data(ax3, self.datasets["insulin"], xid="glc", yid="mean",
xunit=xunit, yunit=yunit_hormone, label="Insulin", **kwargs)
ax1.set_ylabel(f'glucagon [{yunit_hormone}]')
ax1.set_ylim(0, 200)
ax2.set_ylabel(f'epinephrine [{yunit_hormone}]')
ax2.set_ylim(0, 7000)
ax3.set_ylabel(f'insulin [{yunit_hormone}]')
ax3.set_ylim(0, 800)
ax4.set_ylabel(f'gamma [{yunit_gamma}]')
ax4.set_ylim(0, 1)
for ax in axes:
ax.set_xlabel(f'glucose [{xunit}]')
ax.set_xlim(2, 20)
ax2.set_xlim(2, 8)
return {
'fig1': f